Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm at Panera...

No internet at the house so updating the blog is a bitch....Just wanted to let everyone know I recently added a Rope/Reed Fish to my tank and he is doing well

P.S. Polypterus Senegalus FTW =)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Long time since my last post. I've been really busy with work, studying for my cpa and my girlfriend coming in town (from out of country) and I havent been staying at home with my fish much.

Anyway there are all doing fine. BGJDs are close to 3 inchs and the EBJDs are 2 to 2 and half inches. However the tank is staying pretty clouding and dirty. The stupid Orange spotted pleco doesnt clean shit. I'm going to have to get another guy to do the dirty work. I also need a new filtration system just dont feel like buying it right now. The other one is still running just not doing the job as i would like it.

Anyway If it gets clear enough to make a nice video or post some pics ill try and do that before I leave the tank for a month. Lata

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Enforcer

Here is a video of The Enforcer dominating...
Enjoy and feel free to comment

Monday, July 20, 2009

Just FYI...

Petsmart in Martinsburg is open now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Damn 10gal...

Was getting it out of my trunk to setup in the basement just for some little fish or maybe a growout and it cracked

Monday, July 13, 2009

I want another Polypterus...

I'm gonna try and get a Polypterus Delhezi (Banded Bichir) for cheap if I can and add it in with my Polypterus Senegalus (Senegal Bichir). That way my Senegal will have a relative to play with everytime he tries to lay on top the Gold Nugget to relax like he would with another Bichir the Nugget flips out and swims away so I need to get him a friend. I think if I had i all to do over again I would go with a bunch of bichir and maybe two decorative Plecos like my Nugget and a Zebra.

Would you guys change anything?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Best type of fish ever...

Polypterus...Bichir are by far one of the coolest and most animated freshwater fish, in my opinion. With deathrolls, the ability to breath outside of water indefinately, standing on the tip of their tails to strike prey, laying in piles on top of one and other, and burrying themselves in soft substrate for ambush attacks, they are just plain entertaining to watch and that's the whole point of keeping fish. Then when you add in the cool array of patterns and sizes they have they are tops in my book.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Can I get an update...?

Come on fellas need some pics of those tanks. I'm gonna clean mine today and use my Mac for pictures later this week.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Move Continued...

Okay so I finally got the fish settled and got my first paycheck from my new job so once I get the sand put in and some decoration (probably just rocks) I'll update with photos. Right now it's just bare bottom with my 60" bubble tube laying across the bottom for aeration.

Also...I'd like to get an update on my fellow bloggers tanks. What's new? How are the EBJD and Orange Spotted Pleco doing?
How's my old pleco doing in the native tank? And any other info you care to share.
Picture Updates would be great too.